Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Like Us for a Great Cause!

Atlantic Southern Paving and Sealcoating is taking part in The Business Journals' Social Madness competition, and we need YOUR help!

Round 1 of the competition runs through June 18th, so please follow the link below and vote for us right away (every vote counts and it only takes a few seconds). The voting mechanism also takes into account the growth in Atlantic Southern Paving’s social media presence, so if you haven’t followed our company’s page on LinkedIn, or our fan pages on Facebook and Twitter, please be sure to do it now.

You can do so right from the voting page:

Think we're doing this just for us? This is for a great cause!

If we make it through all the rounds of the competition and finish in the top three nationally, we will be able to designate $10,000 to be donated to a charity of our choice from The Business Journals. With your help we can be one of those three winners, and help a worthy cause in the process. But please vote and follow us right away, every vote counts.

We really appreciate your help and support!

The Atlantic Southern Paving Team

P.S. Please be sure to share this with your friends as well, their votes and following of our pages would be greatly appreciated!

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